Wednesday, 25 April 2018


Look at your outfit today. Count the pieces you are wearing. How long have you owned them? How much did you spend on each item? Are they everyday essentials, or special occasion pieces? Who made each piece?

Chances are that most of us wouldn't be able to answer that last question. As is the case with many things we own, we never get to meet, or even hear about the people who make them.

Fashion Revolution wants that to change. Founded in 2013, this nonprofit organization has made it their mission to unite all the members of the fashion supply chain to "radically change the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that our clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way." Annual events are held every year on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse, the worst accidental structural failure of the modern day. Over 1,000 lives could have been saved if those in power cared enough to provide safe work environments for their textile workers. It was a preventable tragedy. Fashion Revolution works to see that something like that never happens again.  

Their focus is to bring transparency to the fashion industry, focusing on the disconnect between the people who make clothes and the people who buy them. Why is it that we are comfortable walking around in something that could have been made by someone who was in extremely distressing circumstances? Who is risking their life to make ends meet by working in an unsafe facility? It can be human nature to ignore what is not right in front of us, but that certainly doesn't make it right. We need to care about the people who make up the supply chain that produces the clothes that we so value and love. Don’t they deserve the same?

How Can We Participate?

Fashion Revolution asks you to use your voice, by asking brands #whomademyclothes Take a picture of the tag on your garment, and post it to Instagram using this hashtag, and tag the brand to encourage them to respond. Beyond that, their guide to getting involved provides forms for tweets, e-mails, and letters that you can use to send to companies who you want to see transparency from, and to policy makers who you want to see enact change. If you want to go big, they have tips on hosting an event during the week, and will even hook you up with a team member to help you with promotion. Education, awareness, and engagement are huge parts of this type of movement. Those are all things that everyone can help with!

Since they have started their work, more brands are being open about where and how their clothes are made, and working to ensure facilities are safe. They saw many participate in the 2017 Open Studios initiative, where brands and individuals hosted events showcasing producers leading the way in sustainable and ethical production, and sharing their practices.

"We believe that collaborating across the whole supply chain; from farmer to consumer; is the only way to transform the entire industry." -Fashion Revolution

We support this movement 100%. Our clothes are sewn in Vancouver based facilities, by teams we can visit and interact with. We value being able to talk to the people we work with and build a relationship. We may not talk to every single person who works on our clothing, but we can visit where they work and we don't have to rely on the efforts of a third party to verify that they are experiencing fair working conditions. We like being able to contribute to a local Canadian company who is providing a service we are grateful for, and creating jobs for a community nearby.

Before needing to ask #whomademyclothes after a purchase, do your research ahead of time. Get to know smaller handmakers and designers. Ask them where they produce, how they source. If they are being ethical, they will be only too happy to discuss how they are contributing to a safer and more sustainable supply chain. If they aren’t, engaging them in the conversation could inspire them to make a change in their business, especially one that consumers value. That is a big piece of the puzzle as well. If even just a small number of us care on a grand scale, we will push the shift towards the change we wish to see, and inspire those around us to do the same. 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

Even big companies, who are dealing with the challenges of scale, can make the choice to be responsible with their production practices. If that means their growth strategy has to slow down for a beat, isn’t it worth it in the end?

Fashion Revolution is a global organization, and they want to see lasting change in the industry. Last year, they saw over 2 million people engage in their cause, and hopefully the results from this week will show an even wider audience this year. Carrying on the conversation and resulting actions this initiative has started is so important for the safety of our fellow global citizens, and our home planet. We encourage you to ask #whomademyclothes and keep on asking until the answers we get are the ones that matter.

We are consistently working to find the best and most sustainable production options for our ethically designed SALT gear. If you have any questions for us about our process, send them our way!

from SALT Shop - Journal

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

SMALLER SPACES | Tiny Cabin Life

You wake up like any day. Climb down the ladder from your loft bed. Grab clothes out of drawers built into your custom bench seat/couch. Breakfast comes out of a second-hand mini-fridge and is cooked on a single burner stove. You prepare fresh coffee with a ceramic pour over. You might even enjoy it watching the morning news, the same way you would if you weren't living in just 125 Sq ft.

Living in smaller spaces has become not only trendy, but desirable. There are the obvious benefits like using less power, having less space to clean, being permanently limited to how much clutter you can have, and maybe even having your whole home on wheels. It's the hidden benefits that are the real sellers though. Peace of mind achieved by being able to have everything coordinated and clean without much effort gives you more mental power that you can put towards more self-actualizing activities. Feeling good about making conscious purchases of long-lasting, economical items. The pride you can take in being able to effectively use a small space to fulfill your every need and knowing that means your footprint on the Earth is smaller.

It's a lifestyle. You are consciously choosing to have less space, and therefore consume less. With limited space, you have to be intentional about everything you purchase. "Just because" purchases are obsolete. Anything that isn't going to be an effective use of space isn't an option. Only the necessities are allowed. If you have spent a long time living in traditional homes, you will surprise yourself when you realize how very little we really need to function day to day. 


About 9 months ago, our Owner Jessica transitioned from the beautiful 1350 Sq ft home she designed and built, into 115 Sq ft of livable space plus an outdoor shower as she embarked on a new life chapter. Talk about an adventure in downsizing!

A big proponent of conscious living, Jessica loves that her tiny cabin makes it mandatory to be intentional with what she brings into her home, and was excited to take on the challenge. Less space means less room for unnecessary items. Building tiny homes also gives you a great opportunity to look for re-useable materials, especially since you won't need much. Wood for siding, shelving, and furniture, used appliances and fixtures. You could even re-purpose an entire space, like an unused shed (if you have family as nice as Jessica).

As a designer, Jessica benefits from her years of experience in setting up all kinds of interiors. She has an eye for how space can be used economically and can create multi-use spaces and furniture that fit her decor style. Her biggest advice to anyone looking into living in a small space is to "PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! Think about what makes you happy, and make sure that fits into your home." She still manages to make one room serve as an office, a kitchen, a yoga and workout space, and somewhere she can entertain and relax. With a few creative adaptations, she can host a dinner for four! "It's fun to share with others - everyone loves a tiny cabin dinner, it's unique!" She misses having long, hot baths, but knows that they will be in her future!

Living small has allowed Jessica to put the energy she saves from easy cleaning and the money she saves into expanding her business. She also finds herself spending more time outside + travelling, getting her fix of large open spaces from the magnificent outdoors. 

"Existing in a compact space helps you recognize the difference between what you have because you want it, and what you really need." It helps you create lasting habits that you can take with you into your next living situation, no matter what the size.

Although she doesn't plan on it being a long-term situation for herself, Jessica encourages everyone to try tiny living at least once. "It's amazing how one adapts! I love it. I'm sure once I'm back in a house, I will miss things about my tiny cabin!"

Anything that keeps us mindful about our environmental impact and what is truly important in life seems worth trying to us!

Jessica plans on residing in this tiny cabin until the spring of 2019. During this two year adventure of tiny living she will be working on expanding the SALT brand, travelling and experiencing what matters most in life; people + the stories you share with them. 

Enjoy these fun facts + Images to follow!

  • Size: 125 sqft
  • Sleeps : 2 happily, 3 in a squish. 
  • Location : Located on a 10 acre Salt Spring Homestead + Animal Sanctuary. 
"Room by Room"
  • Kitchen : Mini Fridge, Toaster Oven, Hot Plate 
  • Bathroom: Outdoor Shower, Composting Toilet
  • Loft Bedroom : Fits a custom foam mattress for one, or a cozy two. 
  • Living Room: Custom Built couch with clothing storage drawers below. 
  • Entry: Hooks for outer layers and bags, Plus a bench for shoe storage and laundry basket. 
  • Deck : Complete with a small deck space to bask in the summer sun!
Projects to Come
  • Outdoor Fire Pit + Lighting
  • Skylight in the Loft Bedroom for star gazing!


from SALT Shop - Journal

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD | Overfishing + What We Do Now

Living in a coastal community, we look at the ocean every day, and we know how lucky we are. It also means that seafood is a popular protein choice. We hope that anyone who consumes seafood understands that our oceans are in crisis, and human impact is the main contributor. By today's standards, we treat our oceans as a resource for food and an avenue of transportation, but we do not respect what the impacts of that mentality mean. For too long we have been pillaging the Earth's waters, and not doing enough to ensure they stay healthy.

Several important commercial fish populations (such as Atlantic bluefin tuna) have declined to the point where their survival as a species is threatened.( Almost 31% of the world's fish populations are overfished, and another 58% are fished to the absolute maximum sustainable level. ( (These numbers are likely higher now than when they were reported.) Ocean Wise estimates that 40% of what is caught in commercial nets is unintended bycatch, other marine life not for consumption like seals, turtles, dolphins and small fish, the majority of which is thrown back into the ocean and do not survive. Plus, harmful fishing practices like bottom trawling and dredging, are destroying marine habitats used for breeding, spawning, nursery, and feeding, making survival for many species challenging. Most people would agree that is heartbreaking to think about. 

What factors have led us to this point?

  • Poor Fisheries Management: Since the 1950s, our intensity in fishing has been steadily growing, with many economic factors driving that incline. Our national governments have not kept up with this demand, meaning that policy is now far behind where it needs to be in order to quell this voracious industry. We need to create a global set of rules and regulations that limit our fishing to a sustainable level. 
  • Illegal Fishing: The WWF estimates that 20% of the world's catch comes from illegal fishing, those individuals operating outside of regulations, further compounding the overfishing problem in a way that is hard to combat.  
  • Lack of Protected Areas: There are too many areas of the ocean that get exploited, whether they are within national waters or not. World wide organizations need to be established to protect bigger spanses of sea so they may have a chance at maintaining their current health, or recovering from damage already done. 
  • Climate Change: Although not a direct result of the fishing industry, the habitat destruction, and salination and temperature changes in our oceans happening due to climate change are making it even harder for marine life to survive and reproduce. 

The reality is this: with the way we are currently approaching fishing, wild fish simply can't naturally reproduce as quickly as the demand that 7.5 billion people are putting on them. Early cultures that lived along the sea depended a great deal on the animals within to sustain their populations, and many coastal communities still do today, but the way we are meeting the demand of the global population at large is plainly not sustainable. Without significant change, the decline in marine life is going to continue, and we are going to be left with destitute waters. 

What is the solution?

  • Regulation: Governments all over the world need to invest in creating stricter regulations about how much, where, when, and what is being taken from our oceans, as well as how it is done to protect marine habitats and other marine species. The backlash will be inevitable, and we as citizens need to speak up and support this kind of policy change.
  • Marine Reserves: Establishing more protected areas that are endangered or special to the marine world. Like Sylvia Earle's Mission Blue Hope Spots.
  • Reduced Demand: Consumers can stand for sustainable seafood by boycotting anything that is sourced otherwise. We can also choose to get our protein from other sources, especially if we don't live near the ocean. We can also give up seafood altogether, finding vegan alternatives. On top of that, there needs to be National investment in more sustainable fishing practices and alternate sources of protein to make this transition easier for a larger percentage of the population. 
  • Consumer Awareness + Global Shift: When we consume without a conscience, we are essentially saying that we don't care about the impact of our actions. Our hope is that by having discussions like this, more people are inspired to learn about how their choices effect the planet, and commit to lasting changes in their lifestyles. The first step is education, the second is a shift in how we view our consumption and the use of the limited resources we are provided with by the Earth.

When it comes down to it, it is a personal choice. Not every one of us will be able to enact policy, but we can support those who will and choose with our dollars. There are so many things in life that you can easily pass by, purchase, even consume without thinking of the consequences. When we aren't catching it or growing it ourselves, we become so far removed from the things we eat. It's important to have a personal responsibility for the impact we have. The sentiment that we are borrowing the Earth from the generation after us is becoming all the more real with predictions from scientists putting our oceans empty by 2050 or earlier. Keeping our oceans clean and healthy is a global responsibility. Creating conscious habits to achieve this is how we start moving towards lasting change. 

When you have to make a choice, the option with the least amount of impact you can have as humans to the ocean is always the best option. Our commitment and our challenge to you is to only eat line caught, local seafood, or no seafood at all.

Respect the oceans, respect the Earth.


Educational Resources: 

Mission Blue, Netflix

WWF, Overfishing

 Ocean Wise

from SALT Shop - Journal

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

COFFEE TIME | Home vs Café

Mornings. One of the most controversial times of the day. There are the lovers and the haters. The cheerleaders and the opponents. Whether you wake up in a flurry of energy, or you hit snooze for 30 minutes, we imagine everyone appreciates a morning without deadlines that you can just enjoy. No where to run to, no where to be, just your own time. Not the case most mornings, is it? It's the small rituals we can create to take back a few moments of that joy on a daily basis that help ground us. 

Taking the time to enjoy a warm beverage made just to our specifications is like a slow, warm hug that reminds us to stop for a beat. Tea or coffee have become the most popular worldwide choices. Coffee is a relatively new drink compared to tea, by more than a few centuries, and has become just as much a part of our morning ritual culture. In fact, it really has created a culture of it's own. The best roasts, the best way to brew, the tools, the taste, the technique.

A big debate is what is better, coffee at home or coffee out? Incomparable some may say! Apples and oranges. Folgers and Fernwood. They are two totally different beasts. Maybe so. (It also probably depends on how apt you are at concocting a delicious home brew!)

Being at home gives you the option to create your own sanctuary. You might even have a breakfast nook, a special chair, or a few choice pillows near a window that allow you to wake up slowly as you sip your morning brew. The current coffee trends in home brewing have taken us beyond the coffee maker and into precise steps that have been more commonly in the hands of baristas. Hand grinding the perfect amount for your cup makes you appreciate the scents of the beans, the freshness of the grinds. Using a pour over, chemex, areopress, even a french press, involve you in every step to ensure you're getting a quality cup.You can't just flick a switch and come back an hour later. You are connected to the process. You are mindful of every step and from that a gratitude for what comes of it develops. And why not take the time to do it right? Especially if you only get one cup a day. Why not choose an ethically sourced and perfectly roasted bean that will satisfy your craving and make you feel good about your morning? What a lovely way to set yourself up for the day.

Going to a café is a totally different experience. Coffee becomes a destination. There is anticipation built up as you make the drive or walk to the front door of your favourite java source. As you cross the threshold, your senses are assaulted with the hum of other patrons, the whir of the espresso machines, and the smells. The thick wafts of a dark roast carried on steam, like a caffeine sauna. Maybe the sweetness of a freshly baked good or two hangs in the air. And somehow, it always smells just right.

As is still the way now, historically coffee houses became a popular place for people of any socio-economic status to sit and simultaneously enjoy a hot beverage and a stimulating conversation. In the corner of any given cafe you can likely find a few suit clad office workers deep in a meeting. A lone student with earbuds in, textbooks and papers strewn across their table, seemingly lulled into focus by the activity around them. A first date. A last date. The start of a business, a friendship, the next biggest thing. Coffee shops are hubs for news, intellect, emotion, and creativity. 

Choosing your favourite spots can be hard. It could depend on your mood. Do you want an environment that is buzzing, that lights you up and surges through you? Or somewhere you can find a quiet window seat and watch strangers walk by in peace? Or your preference could be seasonal. On Salt Spring, our favourite winter coffee spot is Café Talia. A tiny white building a few minutes away with eclectic furniture and excellent treats. When the breeze warms and the morning sun lasts all day, across the street the doors to the Perch open. We love toting our re-useable cup over to grab a fresh cup of Mt. Maxwell Coffee and enjoying it as we watch the sun skim the harbour. In Victoria, Discovery Coffee (that incidentally got our owner Jessica through the long hours of photography school with their Tidal Thief blend) is the spot we are most looking forward to frequenting more when we arrive for our new location. Thankfully we'll be neighbours! 


The nice thing is that there doesn't need to be a winner in this debate. We can like both and mix it up daily if we feel like it. We know it's more economical to make it at home, but it's also a nice treat to gift ourselves a special brew once in awhile.

Regardless of where you do it, it is something to look forward to every day. Something that slows you down before it speeds you up. Stopping to take those comforting sips allows us a few moments of mindful thought to find what we are grateful for and set intentions for our day, or just to slow down long enough to give our mind a rest (and to not burn ourselves!). Cheers to slow mornings and good coffee.

from SALT Shop - Journal